On-demand webinar
95 Phonics Core Program®: applying reading to transform instruction
Watch the on-demand webinar
A comprehensive solution for all tiers across grades K-5. Plus simplified professional learning.
95 Percent Group delivers an expanding ecosystem of evidence-based literacy instruction and resources. This webinar brings you:
- First-hand examples of how the 95 Percent Group’s instructional ecosystem has impacted students and teachers in the Ottawa, Kansas school district
- Lesson components in action
- Reviews of grade-level program resources
Webinar presenters from 95 Percent Group include Laura Stewart, Chief Academic Officer and Joni Maville Content Development Director; from Ottawa school district in Kansas, Amy Bybee, Assistant Superintendent/Curriculum Director, and Laura Meyer, grade 5 teacher.
Watch the on-demand webinar at your convenience and check out the resources below.
This was a very impactful presentation…

The phonics reading program you need
Classroom-ready, evidence-based phonics instruction for your literacy block. In 30 minutes a day, 95 PCP Phonics Core Program™ builds critical phonics skills through explicit instruction to develop strong readers, K-5.
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Additional resources
Gain access to the latest research, resources, and expertise that are shaping the science of reading.

95 Phonics Core Program®: Tier 1 structured literacy solution for K-5 rooted in the science of reading
95 Phonics Core Program®: Tier 1 Structured Literacy Solution for K-5 Rooted in the Science of Reading Our explicit phonics program is strategically designed to effectively address skill gaps, improve instructional practices, and reduce intervention needs. This whole class resource is an essential part of our comprehensive multi-tiered product and professional learning ecosystem. Learn more and download grade-level resources by visiting our 95 Phonics Core Program Resource Center.

Do students in 4th and 5th grades still need reading instruction?
In this article, Laura Stewart, Chief Academic Officer, highlights the critical need to provide a robust word study program in the intermediate grades. Laura shares take an in-depth look at why students need to close foundational skill gaps, learn strategies for decoding multisyllabic words, and receive explicit morphology instruction to navigate complex text.

95 Percent Group ecosystem infographic
Take a closer look at how our comprehensive suite of products and professional learning services work together across grade levels and tiers to improve instructional practices and student outcomes. Download this interactive resource and click on the embedded links to view product overviews, sample lessons, and additional information about the professional learning opportunities that form our ecosystem.

95 Percent Group product and professional learning ecosystem in action
Here we take an in-depth look at the Wicomico School District in Maryland, whose leadership and literacy team worked together to transform their approach to reading instruction. They saw, in return, strong student improvement. One changemaker, Dr. Renee R. Hall, offers tips for other educators on advancing literacy in their school or district.

95 Percent Group ecosystem research study
A two-year evaluation of a multi-product implementation of 95 Percent Group Products was conducted in the Wicomico, Maryland school district. Two similar schools were paired and compared during the 2020-2021 (remote) school year and the 2021-2022 (in-person) school year. During the two-year study, the effect size of the 95 Percent Group treatment group made two times more progress than that of the comparison group (0.64 vs. 0.31)
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